Radio Works!

Radio Works! produit de courtes entrevues avec des individus travaillant sur des projets en lien avec la mémoire, l’histoire, l’identité et les histoires de vie. Les entrevues suivantes ne sont pas elles-mêmes des histoires de vie, de guerre, de génocide ou de violations des droits de la personne, mais plutôt, des conversations avec des gens qui réfléchissent et travaillent sur des thématiques reliées.

Radio Works ! est diffusé le premier vendredi de chaque mois, sur les ondes de Radio CKUT 90.3 FM à 7h29 du matin sur l’émission Friday Morning After. Vous trouverez les entrevues en ligne, ici, quelques semaines après leur diffusion radiophonique.

Voices of the 1.5 Generation

Voices of the 1.5 Generation, a work-in-progress by artists-in-residence Chantria Tram and Paul Tom, was presented during the Montreal Life Stories Rencontres on March 14. Through an organic and collaborative creative process rooted in shared authority, working with Montreal-based Khmer (Cambodian) youth, “Voices of the 1.5 Generation” explores the two-way transmission of stories and memories between a generation that has endured extreme human rights violations, and their children—young people who, while receiving these stories, are also in the midst of creating and redefining their own identities and narratives. Philip Hamon spoke to artist Chantria Tram about the work, as well as to Gracia Jalea Dyer about her perspective, as an audience member. See the latest version of this work Saturday, April 28 at 7 pm at the Centre de Loisirs communauta​ires Lajeunesse 7378, rue Lajeunesse​, Métro Jean-Talon​.

Le petit coin intact

An interview with artist Lisa Ndejuru about her one-woman show, Le Petit Coin Intact, recently read at the Monument National. This interview was broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on March 30.

Deraciné / Uprooted

Déraciné/Uprooted, une nouvelle pièce de théâtre écrite par Jenny Montgomery a été lue au Monument National le 18 et 19 mars. Montgomery a utilisé les paroles de certains des entrevues avec des refugiées ainsi que des Québécoises, pour approfondir sa compréhension du « chez soi » et « d’être l’autre » dans une société pluraliste. Isabelle Godefroy a fait des entrevues avec l’auteure de la pièce ainsi que certaines des actrices et spectatrices.

"Nous Sommes Ici" Centre d'histoire de Montreal launch

Live from the Centre d'histoire de Montreal, on the evening of March 8, a bilingual radio broadcast, of the launch of the "Nous Sommes Ici" exhibit, by Montreal Life Stories, as aired on CKUT 90.3 FM, and hosted by Witnise Estimable, Neal Santamaria and Isabelle Godefroy. You will hear speeches by Andre Gauvreau, Eve-Lyne Cayouette Ashby, Gracia Jalea, Ry Duong, Lisa Ndejuru and Genevieve Channaret. In the second half of the program, short interviews with lead project researcher Steve High, with Liz Miller and Leontine Umubweyi from the Refugee Youth Working Group, with Liselotte Ivry, who granted her life story to the Holocaust Working Group and has been testifying to young people since 1984, and with Davith Bolin, one of the main interviewers of the Cambodian Working Group.

Stories Matter - reflections on listening

Interviews with researchers, Sharon Gubbay-Helfer and Kim Moore about their work using the Stories Matter database to process the life stories interviews. They share their reflections on the effects of listening to and processing this vast collection of stories. Broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on February 3. The image shown here is a screenshot of the Stories Matter "Login as Guest" page, featuring, interviewee Liselotte Ivry.

Mona Sharma on the Loss and Reclamation of Faith

Montreal artist Mona Sharma speaks about her exhibit The Loss and Reclamation of Faith examining the precariousness of Canadian (or Quebecois) identity. The exhibit of her work was at articule gallery from December 9 to 22. The image shown here is a detail of one of Mona Sharma's works, entitled Air India, 2010. For more information, see The interview was broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on Friday December 2.

The Roma: From Then to Now - Gerhard Baumgartner

Gerhard Baumgartner is an Austrian historian specializing in minority questions and particularly, the Roma genocide of World War II. He presented a talk, entitled "The Roma: From Then to Now, at Concordia University on Monday, October 31, cosponsored by the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, Montreal Life Stories, the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, and the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies. Here is an interview with him, on the same subject, broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on November 4.

Marginal Road: A film by Yassaman Ameri

Photographer and multimedia artist Yassaman Ameri speaks about Marginal Road, her documentary video project exploring the concept of living in exile. The film premiered at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma October 13 and 14. The music heard is Coimbra Menina by the Fernando Ribeiro Ensemble. The photograph seen is a still from Ameri's film. This interview was broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on October 7.

The Interview Experience

We hear from Anne-Marie Morin-Dion, interviewer with the Holocaust and Other Persecutions of Jews Working Group. Life Stories Montreal project member Philip Hamon asks her how one can prepare for, deal with and learn from hearing someone's life story. The photo seen here, comes from this website's photo gallery and depicts Mr. Wajnberg, recorded as the 5000th Jewish DP (displaced person) to be admitted as an immigrant to Canada. He is seen here boarding the ship in Bremen, Germany. This interview was broadcast on CKUT 90.3 FM on June 3.

Les cliniques de mémoire et les habitations jeanne-mance

Une entrevue avec Catherine Charlebois du Centre d’Histoire de Montreal sur les cliniques de mémoire et les habitations Jeanne-Mance, produite par Caroline Raimbault, étudiante de maitrise en histoire. L'entrevue a été diffusée sur les ondes de CKUT 90.3 FM le 2 juin.